Onboarding new employees with the company handbook of policies and procedures is one thing, but finding a place to store all of your insurance docs, liability forms, and more can be a serious pain. When building out your customized CRM software on RIIPL's framework, we can build out your web app to include a section of document storage.
Then, when your new employee is added to your custom software, they will automatically have access to their necessary documents. With a few simple VeriSign integrations, we can have that employee sign-off as "having read the handbook," right there inside your user portal for permanent digital storage.
And that's just the beginning.
Let it Go, Let it Go
Let go of all your documents, videos, or any records to be stored away, all in place without the hassle of it cluttering your computer. Be able to add and grow the file along with view anything there at any moment with ease and without stress of having to find where it is.